by Charlotte Wardell
We've become a little nostalgic here at the Ciao HQ. Whilst our eyes are usually looking at emails, our brains can be caught day dreaming, reminiscing on our vacations. So, to bring some positivity to the cold Australian winter, I sat down Ciao's amazing women to discuss each of their favourite holidays.
ANNA - Design office assistant.
My favourite holiday destination has got to be Paris! With Paris being romanticised on television throughout my adolescence, the city exceeded my initial expectations. Travelling there with my husband for our honeymoon has made this destination very special to me.
Paris will always remind me of love. The entire city feels like it has cast a spell over you that supercharges this emotion. From music on the streets, freshly baked croissants, historical architecture, art, and lots of wine. You feel like you are walking in a modern day rom-com. Very main character energy.
KATE - Operations manager.
My favourite holiday would have to be trekking in Nepal. Being in the mountains and away from the busy western world really does something good for the soul. Looking around and admiring the most unbelievable mountain peaks, you cannot put into words how euphoric it feels and the high you get from being so emersed in nature. No wifi, no reception… makes you really grounded and remind you how good the simple things in life are. Trekking in Nepal is definitely up there with the happiest I’ve ever been.
LAURA - Creative director.
My favourite place to holiday is a town on the north west coast of Italy called Rapallo. I've been visiting the same seaside town with my family since I was 8 and now I take my own kids. I feel a sense of home when I hit my destination, it's such a joy to partake in Italian summer time rituals. Daily swims, the obligatory sun set aperitivo and mountain hikes feel good for the soul.

CHARLOTTE - Marketing assistant.
My favourite place to holiday is definitely Bali because of the abundance of activities you can do there. I've loved touring ubud, snorkelling the islands, spending all day at beach clubs, seeing the wildlife, and there is so much more to do. When I'm there I feel peacefulness. Everyone is so kind and the weather and ocean puts a smile on my face.